Project Overview
The Project comprises access road component comprising of about 37 km access road construction from Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar National Highway to Plant site. The component mainly consists of new construction of about 7.35 kilometer road, rehabilitation of about 12.8 kilometer road, repair of about 20.55 kilometer road, construction of an approximately 680 meter Pre-stressed Concrete Bridge and 2 jetties.
Our Role
SMEC and ACE Consultants is providing the following Consultancy services:
All necessary topographical surveys and terrain model compilation, existing condition surveys, geotechnical and pavement strength studies for the design of road, bridges, drainage structures and other complementary works, hydrological investigations including data collection on rainfall, flood water levels and wastewater including at the sites of bridges and major drainage structures, materials source surveys, traffic count survey, forecasting traffic growth rate using appropriate model.
Establishment of Design criteria, comparative study and selection of bridge type.
Structural, foundation and seismic design analysis, design of the bridge details, design approach road, study of construction and erection methods of each bridge, preparation of engineering construction drawings, details of abutment protection works, drawings showing temporary works, execution sequence, detours etc.
Geometric and Pavement Design of Road Right of way maps and Parcellary Plans Preparation of Specification, Test Procedure Manual and Cost Estimate.
Preparation of Prequalification, Bidding and Contract Documents Preparation of Resettlement Action Plan and Detailed Acquisition Maps
Environmental Management.
Construction Supervision, certification, safety control of the project Technology transfer and project closure activities.
- Location:
- Matarbari, Moheskhali, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
- Technical Area:
- Road
- Client:
- Roads and Highways Department
- Project Start:
- April,2016
- Project Completed:
- On Going