Project Overview
The People’s Republic of Bangladesh has achieved steady economic growth of approx. 6% per annum in recent years (IMF, 2016). The population has also expanded at a rate of 1.2% over the past 10 years and its total population of 160 million people ranks 8th in the world (United Nations, 2015). Accordingly, export and imports have increased by 10% per year in the past 5 years (IMF, 2016).
Against this strong growth in import and export goods, one of the current bottlenecks to further economic growth is the lack of an efficient gateway port. In Bangladesh, there are two major ports: Chittagong Port and Mongla Port, but Chittagong Port handles the vast majority of traffic in the country. However, Chittagong Port, a river port along the Karnaphuli River, is expected to soon reach its capacity due to the limited land area. With this situation in mind, the Government of Bangladesh (hereinafter referred to as “GOB”) has decided to construct a new port in Matarbari.
For this purpose, the Government of Bangladesh has received a loan from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter referred to as “JICA”) to finance the Matarbari Port Development Project which is to construct a new port in Matarbari, Cox’s Bazar District as well as the access road to the port. The Government of Bangladesh also intends to use part of the proceeds of the loan for eligible payments for consulting services. The Matarbari Port Development Project is comprised of two (2) components. These are:
- Construction of a new port, and
- Construction of access road
The Roads and Highway Department (RHD) under the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges (MORTB) is implementing the second component “access road construction component” (referred to as Component). The outline of the Access Road Component is as follows:
a) Executing Agency: Roads and Highway Department (RHD), Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges (MORTB)
b) Location of the Project: Chakaria and Maheshkhali Upazilas, Cox’s Bazar District, Chattogram Division
c) Components: Construction of 26.1 km long port access road and 1.6 km connector road, Access Control 4-lane main carriageway (Phase 1: 2 lanes; Phase 2: 4 lane Access Control), 5.5 to 7.5 meter service lane on both sides, Design Speed of 60 km/h, Two bridges less than 100 m long; fifteen bridges more than 100m long.
During the Construction, the proposed project will comprise three (3) contract packages. These are:
Package 1:Construction of 9.8 km (Ch. 0+000 to 9+800) long 4-lane port access road with Metal (Steel) Bridge and PC Bridges and 1.6 km Matarbari Port North-South Connector Road.
Package 2:Construction of 9.0 km long (Ch. 9+800 to 18+500, Plus Station equal of 300m) long 4-lane port access road with Metal (Steel) Bridge and PC Bridges
Package 3:Construction of 6.9km (Ch. 18+500 to 25+413) long 4-lane port access road with PC Bridges and Intersection with National Road No. 1
For this Project, the Consulting Services to be provided by the Consultants includes the following:
- Detailed Design
- Tender Assistance
- Construction Supervision and Defect Notification
- Facilitation of Implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP), and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
- Technology Transfer
Our Role
SMEC as a Sub-Consultant is currently providing inputs to the Consulting Services to achieve the efficient, proper preparation and implementation of the project. Inputs with regards to the following are included in this Agreement:
- Geotechnical assessment to assist in the design of roads and bridges.
- Bridge design and construction.
- Electrical design and installation.
- Construction Planning.
- Contracts and Procurement.
- HIV/STD Prevention during construction.
- General Construction Supervision and technology transfer.
- Location:
- Cox’s Bazar District
- Technical Area:
- Roads, Transport
- Client:
- Roads and Highways Department
- Project Start:
- December, 2020
- Project Completed:
- Ongoing