Technical Assistance for Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar Rail Project Preparatory Facility

Project Overview

Dhaka-Chittagong Railway line is considered the most important corridor and termed as the ‘life-line’ of BR. This railway section is a part of a major subregional corridor such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation, Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, etc., and the Trans-Asian Railway network. The importance of this corridor will further intensify once the new line from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu and Ramu to Gundum near Myanmar Border is completed.

Bangladesh has the potential to become a transport and transshipment center for the subregion. At present, the market share of the Railway is very low. As the economy of Bangladesh has been growing by more than 6% in recent years, the rising demand for domestic and regional railway traffic cannot be satisfied with the existing limited infrastructure. A seamless double track on Dhaka-Chittagong-Cox’s Bazar railway corridor including associated facilities is very much essential to address the demand both for passenger and freight transportation services. Considering the importance of the unification of the gauge, the Government has decided to convert the existing entire MG railway system into DG of this section including associated facilities on a priority basis. Construction of a new ICD at Dhirasram including connecting new rail links with the ICD is also essential to achieve the full benefit of double track in the Dhaka-Chittagong Corridor. Besides, a study is essential for the construction of the DG double line rail link for the proposed power hub based on coal-fired power plants in Matarbari and Moheshkhali and an LNG-based power plant in the same area, including the development of Deep-Sea Port at Sonadia in near future.

Realizing the need for sub-regional and regional connectivity, ADB has come forward for this technical assistance project under ADB Loan No. 3295-BAN(SF) to provide the facility for preparing a series of RCI railway projects readily available for implementation in this important corridor under BR. The Project would enhance capacity in RCI transport project preparation through the provision of feasibility studies, detailed design, and implementation support to BR’s regional transport projects.

The broad objectives of the Project are to complete all necessary preparatory tasks for the readiness of the following railway investment projects for implementation:

Conversion of Tongi-Bhairab Bazar-Akhaura MG double track into DG double track by phasing in Dhaka-Chittagong Corridor;

Conversion of Laksam-Chinki Astana-Chittagong MG double track into DG double track by phasing in Dhaka-Chittagong Corridor;

Construction of a new DG line and conversion of existing MG line into DG in Fouzderhat-CGPY section, conversion of CGPY as a DG multimodal yard, conversion of oil company sidings, silo siding, TSP siding as DG, construction of a new railway ICD at CTG port with DG lines & construction of DG lines connecting the private ICD with CTG port;

Conversion of existing Chittagong-Dohazari MG track into DG track and connecting curve from Dohazari towards Dhaka in Chittagong;

Construction of a new ICD including ancillary works and a new rail link with the ICD from Pubail and Dhirasram railway stations including access for Private Sector investments;

Construction of new single line DG rail link with Moheshkhali and Matarbari proposed power plants;

Establish carriage & wagon and loco workshop, fuelling facilities, and depot for BG rolling stocks at Chittagong; and

Construction of a new Station Master office at CGPY with guard & crew running room, yardmaster office, Trains Assistant office, RNB office, TXR office, and Staff restroom.


Our Role

Consultant shall perform but not limited to the following tasks for the above-mentioned work components:

  • Feasibility study along with social and environmental study:

Collect all necessary information on existing, ongoing, and future planned development works of government and private sector in & around the project site. To review all related documents available. To examine all existing infrastructure and facilities. To consult all relevant agencies/stakeholders.

Define alignment & layouts, the scope of work, technical aspects & design parameters.

Define phasing of construction, resolve interfacing issues, train operation & signaling system during track conversion work and prepare detailed work schedule.

Identify rolling stock maintenance requirements. Assess new demand of rolling stock based on traffic forecast and prepare Rolling stock demand analysis report. Passenger and freight traffic to be forecasted for the next 50 years from the year of commencement of the Rail Facility.

Carry out the topographical survey, options analysis, geotechnical investigation, traffic survey & forecast, technical viability, economic & financial analysis, land market survey, and social and environmental study.

Prepare a Feasibility study report which will contain the main report with all technical details along with drawings, cost estimate, Resettlement Plan (RP), Land Acquisition Plan (LAP), Environment Management Plan (EMP), Hydrological & Morphological report, and other required documents.

  • Detailed design:

Conduct detailed investigation, and update social & environmental findings.

Prepare a detailed design report along with detailed design drawings and layouts. The Design and Operational Speed for BG and MG is as follows:

BG :160 kmph 140 kmph

MG:120 kmph 100 kmph

Update IRR, RP, EMP, LAP, and other relevant documents based on detailed design.

Prepare Bid Documents with detailed specifications & BOQ, detailed cost estimate as per BOQ, and detailed Bid evaluation Criteria.

  • Tendering services:

Provide tendering services for the tenders.

  • Preparation of the DPP for the investment projects:

Provide necessary support to BR for the preparation of the DPP for all the investment projects to be proposed under the study.

  • Traffic study & operational policy:

Bangladesh Railway is planning to increase its share of a container carrying by rail from 4% to 50%. Container yard and ICDs will be constructed by Bangladesh Railway and maintained & operated by Container Company of Bangladesh.

Formulation of Profit-sharing deed between BR & CCBL, for door-to-door service requirement of equipment, tools & pieces of machinery with manpower analysis & recruitment policy.

Dhaka, Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar
Technical Area:
Railway, Transport
Bangladesh Railway
Project Start:
June, 2017
Project Completed:
On Going