Project Overview
The Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project (PMBP), approximately 40 km south west of Dhaka, comprises a new fixed crossing of the Padma River in Bangladesh, which will consist of a bridge approximately 6.15 km long, major river training works and approximately 13.6 km of approach roads and bridge-end facilities, including toll plazas, service areas and offices.
The main bridge structure would carry a 4-lane highway, and have provisions for future Installation of a single track dual gauge rail line as well as other facilities including gas, power transmission and tele-communication lines. The main bridge is a two-level steel truss superstructure with road traffic on the upper level and rail on the lower level acting compositely with a reinforced concrete deck slab.
The Project has been divided into 5(five) separate construction contracts and the wishes of the Government of Bangladesh, and will together comprise
- The main bridge structure, which includes substantial pile foundation works and the bridge superstructure
- Approach viaducts at each end of the main bridge
- Approach bridge structures
- Approach embankments
- Approach road works to existing grade on the Northern approach
- Approach road works to connect into the existing N8 Highway on the Southern approach
- Bridge-end facilities on the North (Mawa) side including the toll plaza and toll collection facilities for southbound traffic and service area facilities for future operation and maintenance staff
- Bridge-end facilities on the South (Janjira) side including the toll plaza and toll collection facilities for northbound traffic and service area facilities for future operation and maintenance staff, and
- Major river training works upstream and through the bridge site
- Provision of other services and facilities like railway line, power transmission, telecommunication line, gas transmission pipe etc. as included in the final design documents
Our Role
SMEC and ACE Consultants is providing the following Consultancy services:
Consultancy services for construction supervision/project management are required to ensure that the construction of Main Bridge and River Training Works is implemented in an economical and efficient manner consistent with internationally accepted standard and practices with high standards of workmanship, specified quality of materials within the stipulated construction period and in conformity with the approved drawings and specifications, safeguard standards achieving objectives of the project with value for money. The main tasks and activities of the Construction Supervision Consultants (CSC), covering the pre-construction, construction and post construction stages of the Main Bridge and River Training Works would include, but not limited to, the following:
- Responsible for the managements of Main Bridge supervising activities
- Review the detailed design of Main Bridge
- Implement the QC/QA measure on site of Main Bridge
- Execute bathymetric surveys
- Assist the Client in the additional land acquisition process when necessary, including the preparation of all required documentation and applications
- Assist the Senior Resettlement Specialist
- Advise and/or adjust ambiguities and discrepancies in the Contract Documents and inform Project Manager how to cope with various legal provision of Contract Document
- Review the geotechnical investigation report and liaise with design engineer
- Provide standard of tests and quality requirements for all geotechnical for bridge and others
- Establish and implement of Quality assurance plan
- Review the Contractors Quality Control Plan
- Assist Senior Project Monitoring Specialist in controlling the work schedule
- Location:
- Mawa-Zanjira
- Technical Area:
- Bridge
- Client:
- Government of Bangladesh
- Project Start:
- November, 2014
- Project Completed:
- On Going