Project Overview
The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) took initiative to introduce Trans Asian Railway Network to improve the communication system among the countries of Asia and Europe. The southern corridor of the Trans-Asian Railway is one of three Asia-Europe rail land bridges studied by ESCAP as part of the Asian Land Transport Infrastructure Development (ALTID) project which was endorsed by the 48th ESCAP Commission Session in Beijing in April 1992. Bangladesh is connecting through the Southern Corridor of TAR. The TAR links in Bangladesh are as follows –
TAR ROUTE – 1: Gede (West Bengal, India) – Darsana – Ishurdi – Jamtoil – Joydebpur – Tongi – Akhaura – Chittagong – Dohazari – Gundum – (Myanmar border station); Sub-route – I: Tongi – Dhaka; and Sub-route – II: Akhaura – Kulaura – Shahbazpur – Mahisasan (India)
TAR ROUTE – 2: Singabad (West Bengal, India) – Rohanpur – Rajshahi – Abdulpur – Ishurdi and thereafter following the rest of the route/sub-routes of Route – I.
TAR ROUTE – 3: Radhikapur (West Bengal, India) – Birol – Dinajpur – Parbatipur – Abdulpur – Ishurdi and thereafter following the rest of the route/sub-routes of Route – I.
The government of Bangladesh (GOB) is taking efforts on developing the TAR corridor in Bangladesh as well as regional corridors. GOB is also taking the initiative to overcome the bottlenecks and missing links of the TAR corridor in Bangladesh. The proposed Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu and Ramu to Gundum rail line is the missing link of TAR Routes connecting the Myanmar border. Bangladesh signed the “Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network” as the 20th signatory country on 09-11-2007. The Government of Bangladesh has on-principally approved the “Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network”. The construction of a rail link from Dohazari to Gundum has become a priority project and needs to be implemented immediately to eliminate the bottleneck of the TAR route.
Moreover, the proposed project is essential for making railway connectivity with the famous tourist spot Cox’s Bazar with the view to cater to more tourists in Cox’s Bazar and to improve the socio-economic condition of local people.
A feasibility study was conducted under GOB funding by consulting firm CANARAIL and Final Report was submitted in December 2001 which was accepted by the Government of Bangladesh. Based on the feasibility study 2001, a DPP was approved by ECNEC on 06.07.2010 to construct 128 route km new Meter Gauge (MG) railway track with BGML standard bridge & track sub-base having load capacity (25 tons per axle). But implementation of the project was getting delayed as the source of financing for project aid was delayed to be finalized. Moreover, due to the course of time, some modifications in the alignment became essential, and hence the feasibility study needed to be updated. Under ADB’s Loan-2688-BAN(SF) a TA project (RCIP) was taken in hand for updating feasibility study, detailed design, and preparation of tender documents for “Construction of single line Meter Gauge Railway track from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu and Ramu to Gundum near Myanmar Border”.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) is going to finance Dohazari-Cox’s Bazar under The SASEC Chittagong–Cox’s Bazar Railway Project Phase 1 under Multi Trance Financing Facility (MFF). The SASEC Chittagong–Cox’s Bazar Railway Project Phase 1 includes provisions for future extensions and capacity enhancement of the line. The alignment and right of way are designed in such a way that future double-tracking of the railway line is possible.
Our Role
The anticipated consulting services shall include but are not limited to the following:
Review all findings of the Feasibility Study and detailed engineering design & drawings. Review all the specifications and provisions of tender documents and review all available materials and reports including relevant studies done earlier by the Bangladesh Railway and other authorities. Review all ongoing and planned development activities around the site and recommend necessary actions. Consultant shall provide Construction Supervision Services for construction of Dual Gauge Single line rail link from Dohazari to Cox’s Bazar via Ramu but not limited to the following:
The Bangladesh Railway through their nominated representative, Project Director, and support staff, shall work in close coordination with the Consultant with regard to the management, administration, and construction supervision of the ‘Construction Contract Documents (CCD), including any technical support associated with approval of contractor submissions, and proposed design modifications as well as for overall testing and inspection of the Works. This interaction between the parties shall facilitate the transfer of technology, management, and administrative techniques, as well as technical knowledge related to the construction, operation, and maintenance of the new facilities. The scope of the services provided by the Consultant shall include all the services required from the Engineer as presently outlined and defined in the current CCD, except those duties retained by the Client and specifically identified as such in the CCD. The Client shall, prior to commencement of work by the Consultant designate in writing that the Consultant shall have the authority of the Engineer with respect to CCD; and that he shall have the required authority to discharge those duties as defined in CCD and as generally described hereinafter. In the text to follow, the Consultant shall be referred to as “the Engineer”.
The services to be provided by the Engineer shall cover the following categories:
- Part 1: Overall Contract Management, Administration, and Planning
The management, administration and planning of the Works shall be under the direction of the Project Manager and shall be carried out by qualified engineering specialists and office support staff. - Part 2: Technical Support
The Engineer shall provide sufficient qualified staff to carry out the necessary technical support for the proper execution of CCD. - Part 3: Construction Supervision, Testing & Inspection
The Engineer shall provide necessary resident engineers, Inspectors, field staff including office support staff for the direct supervision of the Contractor under CCD, including all required field and laboratory testing, site inspection, and supervision. The resident staff shall be under the direction of the Resident Engineer and overall monitored by the Project Manager. - Part 4: Environmental Aspects.
- Part 5: Gender and Other Social Aspects.
- Part 6: Resettlement Aspects.
- Part 7: Defect Liability Period.
- Location:
- Dohazari, Cox’s Bazar, Chokoria, Ramu, Chittagong
- Technical Area:
- Railway
- Client:
- Bangladesh Railway
- Project Start:
- September, 2017
- Project Completed:
- On Going