Project Overview
The Government of Bangladesh (with JBIC/JICA funding) with RHD as the executing agency; is implementing the project which is the construction of 2nd new bridges in Kanchpur, Meghna, Gumti, and the rehabilitation of the existing ones.
The Project consists of the construction of the above three (3) bridges and the rehabilitation of three (3) existing bridges with the improvement of approach roads respectively within the section between Dhaka and Chittagong along National Highway No.1. Based on the conduct of the preliminary design for the bridge components through the Preparatory Survey (F/S) of JICA in 2012, the implementation of the following four components was proposed under the financial assistance of the Japanese ODA:
Component-I: Construction of 2nd Kanchpur Bridge and Rehabilitation of the existing Kanchpur Bridge across Sitalakhya River with Approach Roads
Component-II: Construction of 2nd Meghna Bridge and Rehabilitation of the existing Meghna Bridge across Meghna River with Approach Roads
Component-III: Construction of 2nd Gumti Bridge and Rehabilitation of the existing Gumti Bridge across Gumti River with Approach Roads
Component-IV: Procurement of Axle load Scale, Weigh Scale, and Inspection equipment/vehicles for the Bridges above and, the Project component was proposed to formulate the implementation of the following components given here:
Kanchpur Bridge:
New Bridges: Length: 396.5 m (41.6m+85.4m+97.6m+73.2m+54.9m+41.6m), Width: 18.4m (4 Lanes) (14.6m (road) + 1.1m (sidewalk)+2.7m(sidewalk)), Superstructure Type: Continuous steel narrow box girder, Substructure Type, Abutment: Inverted T-type, 2 Nos. Pier: Columnar type, 5 Nos. Foundation: RC bored pile, 3 Nos, Steel Pipe Sheet Pile (SPSP) 4 Nos.
Existing Bridges: Repair of cracks/ rebar exposures, Expansion joint replacement, Deck strengthening, Steel Brackets, Strengthening of the pier including RC- lining and diaphragm wall,
Strengthening of foundation including steel pipe sheet piles (SPSP).
Meghna Bridge:
New Bridge: Length: 930.0m (47.4m+9@87.0m+73.5m+23.9m), Width: 17.75m (4 Lanes) (15.55m (road) + 2×1.1m (sidewalk)), Superstructure Type: Continuous steel narrow box girder, Substructure Type, Abutment: Inverted T-type, 2 Nos. Pier: Columnar type, 11 Nos. Foundation: RC bored pile, 5 Nos, Steel Pipe Sheet Pile (SPSP) 8 Nos.
Existing Bridges: Repair of cracks/ rebar exposures, Connecting girders (eliminating hinges/joints), Center hinges on rehabilitation, Expansion joint replacement, Steel Brackets, Strengthening of the pier including RC- lining, Strengthening of foundation including RC casting reinforcement and steel pipe sheet piles (SPSP).
Gumti Bridge:
New Bridge: Length: 1410.0m (51.4m+7@87.0m+86.15m,86.15m+6@87.0m+51.4m), Width: 17.75m (4 Lanes) (15.55m (road) + 2×1.1m (sidewalk)), Superstructure Type: Continuous steel narrow box girder, Substructure Type, Abutment: Inverted T-type, 2 Nos. Pier: Columnar type, 16 Nos. Foundation: RC bored pile, 10 Nos, Steel Pipe Sheet Pile (SPSP) 8 Nos.
Existing Bridges: Repair of cracks/ rebar exposures, Connecting girders (eliminating hinges/joints), Center hinges on rehabilitation, Expansion joint replacement, Steel Brackets, Repair of the pier including RC- lining, Repair of foundation including RC casting reinforcement and steel pipe sheet piles (SPSP).
Our Role
The main feature of the general consulting services is to lead the project to be successfully completed timely. This will be achieved through the following:
Engineering/Detailed Design
- Review of the Feasibility Studies and relevant existing reports
- Preparation of the detailed design
- Cost estimates based on the detailed design, and
- Financial analysis based on the revised cost estimation and toll policy
Bid Assistance
- Preparation of bidding documents, assistance for RHD to select the Contractor: bid evaluation; award of the contract; contract negotiation; and finalizing the contract documents
- Construction Supervision
- Supervision of Works comprising the aforementioned three components of bridge rehabilitation and construction
- Guidance on Operation and Maintenance measures (Preparation of Manual, Training plan, and others) for RHD officials and outsourcing
- scale and weigh scale and its Control for outsourcing, and
- Capacity building for Operation and Maintenance
Safeguards Assistance
- Environmental and Social Considerations (updating, and implementing, the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), and the Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMoP), and other relevant considerations)
- Safety Considerations (Complying with Safety policy based on JICA policy)
- HIV/AIDS prevention
- Dispute Board (DB) assistance
- Transfer of Technology
- Assistance in the implementation of Public Relations (PR) of the Project
- Location:
- South-Eastern Bangladesh
- Technical Area:
- Bridge, Transport
- Client:
- Roads and Highways Department
- Project Start:
- March, 2014
- Project Completed:
- December, 2021